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Equipping College Grads and Mid-Level Professionals to Win

Please see below for some of the services that Eric B. Horn provides


Pick My Brain Strategy Session

Seeking a strategy session that will provide you tangible action steps? Do you want a clear understanding of what you need to WIN in your career? The Pick My Brain Strategy Session is just for you. You will leave this strategy session with a concrete game plan for your career or business that reveal new opportunities to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. (READ MORE)



BizTherapy is a half day intensive for women entrepreneurs who are looking for an environment to discuss and find solutions to their current business challenges from a different perspective. At the end of the intensive, you will obtain excellent feedback and insight from Eric B. Horn and other successful business owners, forge deep professional connections, and confidently walk out with new strategies to move your business forward. (READ MORE)

EricBHorn-Gradsistion VIP Day

Gradsistion VIP Day

Are you the parent of a college graduate that has no idea on what to do to have an idea in creditable career? Would you like to provide them with a graduation gift that will help them learn key strategies that will set them apart from other college graduates and assist them to steer themselves toward having the career they worked so hard (and you paid so hard ) for in college? My Gradsistion (Graduate Transition) VIP Day will help your child learn the most valuable lesson to advance their career. The three most important skill sets to master as a college graduate that’s NOT taught in school, what’s needed to master the art of relationship building and more! (More Information Coming Soon)

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